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9005160500   Gender Diversity & ESL materials
2020-2021   Curs telemàtic (en línia asíncron). Primària-Secundària
   8/2/2021 - 25/3/2021 (30 hores) de h a h
   VT Curs a distància
   _ (A distància) 
Format   En línia
Sincronicitat    Asíncron
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
Tipus activitat   GEND Gender Diversity & ESL materials
Inscripció   08/01/2021 - 19/01/2021
Descripció i   Metodologia:   This course is designed to raise awareness on the importance of gender and its diversity for children and youngsters' education. ESL becomes an ideal tool to deal with topics we would not deal with otherwise. Learning to develop our own materials as English teachers becomes crucial to bring important and interesting topics to our lessons. This course is also oriented to help participants to develop such materials and try to use them in their real groups of students. The course uses a competency-based approach methodology using TAC as tools to implement it. It sets off by providing a conceptual framework and a legal framework on diversity and gender issues in order to build the participants’ confidence to create their own classroom materials.
Objectius   1. Provide a learning context to show the importance of dealing with gender and sexual diversity.
2. Acknowledge the legal coverage and obligations for teachers to include gender and diversity in the school’s curriculum.
3. Become aware of the legal supports and protocols schools have to deal with bullying and integrating trans children.
4. Manage, learn and acquire important facts and figures about gender and how it expands both culturally and politically.
5. Understand the dimensions and roots of gender violence.
6. Acknowledge differences between and within disfavored groups as an essential move to build stable and effective coalitions among students to build up a heathy environment.
7. Use a methodological approach to build up ESL materials using gender diversity as a common thread.
8. Develop teacher’s autonomy to find good realia materials to bring into their English lessons.
9. Use a pattern as a guide to develop gender diversity inclusive teaching ESL materials.
10. Take a step further to become aware on how much schools are gender organised and the issues that derive from that structure.
Continguts   Module 1- Introduction:
A.Check background knowledge
B.ESL, Gender and LGBTIQ+ within schools
C.How girls perceive they do not have the privilege?
D.Positive reinforcement and positive role models

Module 2- Educational Legal Framework in Catalonia

Module 3- How does Gender work:
A.The Genderbread Person
B.Importance of figures for teachers to know
C.Domestic violence and toxic masculinity
D.Violence against women (cis and trans)

Module 4- Intersectionality:
A.The teaching implications of the concept of intersectionality
B.Useful materials

Module 5- ESL + Gender and LGBTIQ+ Materials development:
A.Methodology (Communicative and Task-based approach, Scaffolding) and supports for developing gender-based teaching material for ESL. Caring about language learning as well as content learning
B.Looking at the teaching opportunities in the English subject curriculum
C.Teaching ESL methodology. The pre-while-post tasks + final output sequence
D.Topics to look at when developing Gender & LGBTIQ+ Materials
E.Good gender diversity inclusive ESL teaching materials
F.Approaches for primary and for secondary students
G.Following the competencies curriculum

Module 6- “Digenderising” Schools

Observacions   El funcionament del procés d'inscripció i d'altres aspectes relacionats amb les activitats de formació es pot consultar a la pàgina d'informació

Google Meet sessions (1h aprox. per session):

1.Wednesday 10th February between 17:00h and 19:00h.
2.Thursday 25th February between 17:00h and 19:00h.
3.Thursday 18th March between 17:00h and 19:00h.
Formador/a   Catalina Pallàs
Avaluació   -Positive attainment of the course activities.
-Develop a lesson plan of at least three 1-hour sessions using one of the suggested topics in written, audio or video format. Teacher will provide a lesson plan grid. Students may work in pairs or groups of three. Students are due to hand in the Student’s handout materials and the lesson plan grid by a given date.
-Satisfaction questionnaire.
Requisits de  certificació   -Positive attainment of the course activities.
-Develop a lesson plan of at least three 1-hour sessions using one of the suggested topics in written, audio or video format. Teacher will provide a lesson plan grid. Students may work in pairs or groups of three. Students are due to hand in the Student’s handout materials and the lesson plan grid by a given date.
-Satisfaction questionnaire.
Persones  destinatàries   English teachers (Primary and Secondary) with a B2 minimum.
1. Disposar d'usuari XTEC actiu.
2. Haver certificat les activitats de formació adjudicades durant aquest curs acadèmic i l'anterior.
Criteris específics d’adjudicació. Les sol•licituds admeses s'ordenaran en funció de:
1.Vinculació al centre de treball 2.1.Funcionari 2.2.Interí 2.3. Substitut
2.Nivell de llengua C2,C1,B2.
Si ets docent d'un centre concertat, municipal o les acreditacions d’especialitat i/o nivell de llengua (C2,C1 o B2) requerides a la convocatòria no consten a l’ATRI, caldrà omplir aquest FORMULARI dins del període de sol•licitud.
Consulteu: RESOLUCIÓ ENS/2480/2017
E-mail   formlle@xtec.cat

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent